Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Feast of St. John the Evangelist 2015

                                                           Feast of St. John 2015
                                Exodus 33:18-23; Psalm 92; 1 John 1:1-9; John 21:19b-24
Father Adam Trambley
December 27, 2015 St. John’s Sharon

Today is a special day for our parish.  December 27th is the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, the patron saint of our church.  Usually we don’t make too big a deal about it, because how many people want to get together two days after Christmas and have a big church dinner or a dramatic reenactment of the life of St. John?  But I do think there are some particular gifts that Saint John has provided that we can to live into as St. John’s Church.  After a brief summary of what we know about Saint John’s life, I want to talk about the areas of love, worship, and witness.  

Like most of the early saints, what we can conclusively say about Saint John is very little.  Saint John the evangelist is the name given to the Beloved Disciple who shows up towards the end of the fourth gospel and who writes that he is the witness to the things it contains.  We know that Jesus loved him and he loved Jesus.  We are told that from the cross, Jesus sees his mother Mary and this beloved disciple John.  Jesus tells John that Mary is now his mother and he tells Mary that John is now her son.  This gospel writer is also traditionally understood to be the author of the first, second and third letters of John in the Bible.  He has also often been taken as the author of the book of Revelation, although that John talks about the twelve apostles of the lamb as if he is not one, so scholars today mostly believe that Revelation was written by someone else who was part of a church founded by Saint John the Evangelist.  From very early, this beloved disciple has been believed to be John the Son of Zebedee mentioned in the other gospels, and although more modern scholars occasionally dispute that attribution, no better one has been found.

Later traditions tell us that while the other apostles were martyred, John lived to a ripe old age and was the last of the apostles to die. We hear that in the conversation with Jesus and Peter in today’s gospel.  John probably lived for a time in Ephesus and started churches in that area.  His symbol is the eagle because of the soaring majesty of his gospel.  You can see the eagle symbol holding up the lectern, as well as in other places in the church.  Now I want to turn to what we can learn from St. John, especially about love, witness and worship.      

Love.  John’s writings focus on love in a way that most of the other New Testament writers do not.  Besides John, only Paul has extended sections on love.  John’s first letter proclaims most clearly that, “God is love.”  John also puts God’s love for us front and center in his understanding of God’s identity.  Most people know verse 3:16 from John’s gospel: “That God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”  John’s first letter also reminds us to: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.”  The beautiful writings of Saint John overflow with the love that God has for the people he has made, and they contain the invitation to all of us to come back home to God through his Son Jesus Christ. 

One of the implications of this great love of God for us is that we are supposed to love each other.  Only John records Jesus washing his disciples’ feet at the last supper, with his instruction, “I have set for you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”  Then later that night he tells them, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”         

Part of being Saint John’s church is living into this commandment of Jesus to love one another and wash each other’s feet, at least metaphorically.  Many of our ministries do a good job with this, but we always have room to grow in order to love like Jesus loved us.  Another way to live into the love that Saint John writes about is to accept, for real, that we are loved by God and to let other people know that they are loved by God too.  This work is harder for us, but no less important.

The second area I want to look at is worship.  In John’s gospel, after the resurrection, Thomas makes the highest affirmation of Jesus found anywhere in the gospels.  He calls Jesus, “My Lord and my God.”  John’s gospel also contains the beautiful prologue that describes how the Word, this second person of the Trinity that existed with God from the beginning, was made flesh and dwelt among us.  Those of you who came to the midnight Christmas service heard Ron chant that beautiful poetry recounting Christmas from an almost heavenly perspective instead of thinking about it only in terms of Jesus’ birth.  The book of Revelation, coming either from John or those he discipled, describes how the slaughtered and resurrected Lamb of God is worshipped by the heavenly choirs for all eternity.  John teaches us about praising Jesus Christ, our Lord and God.

Yet the worship we learn from Saint John is not a cold and detached worship.  John tells us of an intimate worship with the God who loves us.  Saint John is the disciple Jesus loved.  He was comfortable enough with Jesus to lay his head on Jesus chest and whisper to him during the last supper.  As he described in our epistle reading today, John saw Jesus with his own eyes and touched him with his own hands.  The Jesus that John worshipped, and that he instructs us to worship, is not an abstract concept of God, but a very intimate God that John has a personal relationship with.  This God we worship is the eternal Word, but he also became like us and can be known by us.

When we worship here at Saint John’s church, we try to take Saint John’s insights seriously.  We want to worship in a way that gives appropriate thanks and praise in word and deed to Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.   At the same time, each and every one of us who joins in this corporate praise is hopefully finding ways to enter more fully into their own personal relationship with Jesus, so that he can bring healing and life in whatever particular ways we need to receive them.

Finally, at the core of Saint John’s work is his witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.   After the passion narrative, John includes an editorial aside, saying, “He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe.  His testimony is true, and he knows that he tells the truth.”  Then the Gospel of John ends with, “This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true.  But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”

John wrote so that we might believe.  This aging disciple of Jesus wanted to make sure that his witness could be carried on to others after his death, so he either wrote down his account of Jesus life, death and resurrection or he had others write down what he told them.  He knows that others who have not seen Jesus with their own eyes will still come to believe. In John’s Gospel, Jesus relates to Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have come to believe.” 

We follow Saint John in his witness to Jesus Christ whenever and however we share the good news with others.  Maybe we share John’s gospel or his other writings.  Maybe we share an experience of what God has done in our lives.  Maybe we invite people to church or to share in a church ministry with us.  Just like Saint John took the responsibility to write down what he knew as a witness to others in future generations who would not have seen the human Jesus, we have a responsibility to make an effort to share what we know about Jesus Christ with those around us who have not yet come to experience his love.

This church is blessed to have been named for such a great saint. May Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Sharon continue to live into Saint John the Evangelist’s instructions on love, worship and witness for at least the next 150 years.

The Davidson Estate Manager's Tale -- Christmas 2015

Manager’s Tale
Christmas 2015
Rev. Adam T. Trambley
St. John’s, Sharon and St. Jude’s, Hermitage

Archeologists recent discovered an ancient scroll buried in a Bethlehem cave.  Written on it were the following reflections from about two thousand years ago…

Probably nobody will ever read this.  It’s not like I’m an important Imperial personage – just another Jewish guy trying to earn a living.  But what happened the other night was so incredible, I thought I better write it down for myself.  Oh, yeah, my name is Clyde.  I’m what you might call the manager for the Davidson estate here in Bethlehem.  The Davidsons are one of the oldest, and wealthiest, families in this area. Someone has to take care of their house and fields and animals, and the someone for all that work is me.

Even before that night, the whole week was crazy -- Caesar getting it into his head to have a census of the whole world.  I don’t know how many people he counted, but I counted a lot, let me tell you.  All the Davidsons coming back to Bethlehem from heaven only knows where in order to be registered.  Don’t get me wrong, we have a big house, but that was a lot of people, and they all came to stay with us.  Where else could they stay?  When you travel you stay with family.  We aren’t a big city with fancy guest houses.  I guess the pub has a couple of rooms in the back, but no respectable person would stay there.  And Mr. Davidson, like most people in this area, has a great gift for hospitality.  And let me tell you, there were some impressive family members coming home.  People on camels with jewel encrusted harnesses, their wives with flowing silk scarves, children playing with hand-carved olive wood Star Wars action figures.  And I was responsible to see that beds got made and meals got cooked and whatever else needed to be done got done.

I was pretty tired when Joseph showed up in the middle of the night with his new, very pregnant wife.  He used to visit with his family before his first wife died, but I hadn’t seen him in years.  After a bumpy donkey ride, his wife looked like she could give birth any minute.  I didn’t really have a place to put them, and even if I found an empty corner inside, someone giving birth would keep the whole house awake all night.  I was pretty sure none of the prominent family members would want that. 

I did the only thing I could think of.  I led them back to the cave where the animals slept during the night.  It would be warm, at least, and sort of private, if you don’t count the sheep.  Then I ran to wake up the local midwives.  They weren’t too happy with me when they found out that I put the mommy-to-be on some straw next to the manger, but they came.  Of course, they needed water, and our guests had used almost all of it, so I got to make a midnight water run. (Actually, I’m glad it was dark since drawing water is really women’s work, but the maids were already asleep, so off I went).

When I got back with the water, the midwives took it and shooed me away.  I figured I’d go start preparing the day’s meals since I wasn’t getting any more sleep that night.  I was about an hour into grinding up chick peas for hummus, when the midwives came in.  They were incredibly excited.  They started asking me all these questions.  “Why didn’t I tell them the child was special?”  “Where are the parents from?”  “Who are these people?”  Apparently the baby, who was named Jesus, was unlike any other baby they had ever delivered.  I don’t know much about childbirth, not having been to any except my own, but the midwives said the birth was the smoothest they’d ever witnessed, like the baby was doing everything possible to make his mom comfortable during the whole birth.  And they didn’t think his mom was in any pain at all.  Then the baby reached out for everyone to hold him – both midwives, his mother, and his father – almost like he was saying “Hi” and giving everyone a hug.  Then the baby nursed and fell right asleep.  The mom laid Jesus down in the manger that they had cleaned out, and then went to sleep herself. 

When the midwives left, I wasn’t really sure what to think, but I didn’t have long to ponder it because then the shepherds showed up.  Now we have some trouble with shepherds.  We have a few fields for our animals near the house, but it isn’t open grazing for everyone in town if you catch my drift.  Everyone knows shepherds are untrustworthy, and we have some nice things at the house, so we keep them away.  On that kind of night, they should have all been out with their flocks anyway, so to see them without sheep coming toward our place was pretty strange.  I went out to meet them and told them they had to leave our property.  They just laughed, and there were about a dozen of them, so I wasn’t feeling too comfortable at first.  Then I realized they weren’t laughing a scornful laugh at me, but a joyful laugh.  One of them said, “I know you don’t like us, but we’re on a mission from God.”  Then another one said, “Don’t be dramatic.  But we were sent by angels.  They told us to come to Bethlehem, the City of David, and greet the Messiah, the Lord.”  This whole claim was patently ridiculous, but when I looked at the shepherds, it was clear that they believed what they were saying, and that something had really happened to them.  They were different – more serious, while also being more sparkling.  They just might have seen an angel. 

“OK,” I said.  “Let me go wake up Mr. Davidson, and he’ll know which of our important guests is the person you are looking for.”  Then the shepherds laughed again.  One said, “The Messiah isn’t some old person asleep in your fancy house.  The Messiah is a newborn baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.  I assume your manger is in the cave with the animals?”  And with that he pointed to where Jesus had just been born and they all started walking there.  I followed them.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I felt some responsibility for this child born that night, and I couldn’t leave the family alone with all those shepherds.

As soon as they saw the baby lying in the manger, they started jumping around and whooping and hollering.  I think they were praising God, but in all honesty it was a bit exuberant for my tastes.  One was yelling, “Thanks be to God”, and another “What they angel said is true,” a two of them in the corner were literally rolling on the floor laughing.  I thought that was just an expression, but these shepherds were so overcome that they couldn’t stand up.  There were laughing huge, loud laughs, with tears rolling down their cheeks, and when one would catch his breath, he would look at the baby or at the other one, and start laughing again.  This brouhaha all lasted a good five minutes, and the baby slept peacefully through all of it.

Once people settled down, one of the shepherds, who seemed a little older than the others, went up to the parents and told them what had happened.   How an angel surrounded by light had appeared to them and told them that he had good news of great joy for all people.  How they should go to Bethlehem and find the baby lying in the manger who would be the Messiah, the Lord.  Then, apparently, a whole host of angels appeared, lighting up the entire sky, and they to sing.  Then all the shepherds in the cave with us turned to the baby, and they began to sing.  They said afterwards they couldn’t sing it nearly as well as the angels did, but I’ve never heard any music so beautiful in my life.  The baby woke up as they were singing, and he just sort of smiled, and then went back to sleep.  After the shepherds sang, they gave the baby’s mother some wool and said they wanted her to use it for the baby’s first sweater.  Then they left, praising God and laughing and singing as they walked home.

In the morning, Mr. Davidson told people to move around so that Joseph’s family could have some space, and they stayed around for a while.   I think the shepherds and the midwives were right.  There was something special about that little Jesus.  When he was in the room, things were just more peaceful, somehow.  I always felt like I could just be a better person, more patient and gentle, after I helped his family with something and got to hold him a minute.  I’m not sure what the shepherds meant when they said he was the Messiah, but I hope that’s what he is when he grows up.  He’d probably make a good one.

The Midwives' Tale -- A Family Service Christmas Drama

The Midwives Christmas Tale
Christmas 2015
Rev. Adam T. Trambley

Manager: (Knock, Knock) Are you the midwives?

Puah: Yes.  We are Bethlehem Midwives, a department of the original Mount Sinai Hospital System.  My name is Puah.

Shiphrah (Shif-rah): And my name is Shiphrah.  Can we help you?

Manager:  Yes, please!  My master’s house is full of relatives that returned because of this dumb imperial census.  We’ve got people sleeping in beds, on couches, on floors – everywhere.  Then late tonight, or maybe it’s very early morning, I don’t even know, this family came in, poor relatives from the north, and the woman was VERY pregnant.  She may not make it until morning.  I know it’s the middle of the night, but please come. 

Puah: We’ll grab our bags and follow you.

Shiphrah: So where is she?

Manager: She’s in the cave out back with the animals.

Shiphrah:  What do you mean she’s with the animals?  I thought you said she was having a baby.

Manager:  Well, like I said, the house is pretty full, and people were afraid that somebody giving birth would wake everyone else up, and the cave is warm with all the animals, so we thought it would be OK.

Puah:  Your thinking is lame, dude.  Bring us some water and we’ll meet you at the cave.

Manager:  Well, about the water.  There isn’t much left because so many people are at the house.

Shiphrah: Do you know where the well is?

Manager: Yes.

Shiphrah: Then move!  Now!

Manager:  OK.  OK.  I’m moving.  It will take a minute, but I’m moving.

Puah:  Let’s go deliver this baby.

Manager: (huffing a bit) Ladies, here is your water.

Shiphrah:  Great.  Stay out here.  It’s almost time.

Manager: I really hope this all goes smoothly.  I’m going back to the house to start getting breakfast ready for everyone.  They’ll start waking up in an hour or so. 

Shiphrah: Hey, Manager.

Manager:  Yes.  Is everything OK?  What do you need?

Puah:  We don’t need everything.  The baby is born and no problems. 

Shiphrah: Actually even better than no problems.  Why didn’t you tell us this child was special?

Manager:  What do you mean special? 

Puah:  We’ve never seen a birth so smooth.  It was like the baby was doing everything possible to make his mom comfortable through the whole birth.  I’m not sure she was in any pain at all.  

Shiphrah: Then he was so calm and peaceful.  Most successful births are happy, but just holding this young Jesus – they named him Jesus, by the way – just holding this Jesus filled my heart with joy and love like I’ve never experienced before.

Puah: After he was born, we cleaned him up a little bit, and he was awake while everyone held him for a minute.  Almost like he wanted to say “Hi” to all of us and give us a hug.  Then he nursed and fell asleep.

Shiphrah: Well, he was a sleep until the cattle lowed, then the poor baby woke up.

Puah: But even then, the little Jesus, no crying he made.

Shiphrah: He did fall back to sleep by the time the shepherds came.

Manager: What shepherds?  This is private property.  We don’t allow shepherds to come on this land.

Shiphrah: Don’t worry.  The shepherds weren’t bringing sheep. They came to pay homage to the new Messiah, the Lord.

Manager: If they wanted to pay homage, you should have told me.  The important family members are sleeping upstairs in the beds.  I could have gotten them.

Puah: No.  The shepherds were here to see Jesus.  A whole choir of angels appeared to them in the middle of the night and told them to find a baby who was born today. 

Shiphrah: Plus, get this, an angel told him he would be lying in a manger.  Do you know any other babies that had to get born out with the animals? 

Puah: So they came to Bethlehem and found Jesus and told his parents everything that happened to them. 

Shiphrah:  It was amazing.  I’ve never heard anything like it, but when you saw the shepherds’ faces, they kind of glowed.  It was like they had actually heard angels singing around them.

Puah: Like we said, this child is way special.   

Shiphrah:  So send some breakfast out to this family when you make it for all the important people in the house.

Puah:  We are never going to forget this night.

Shiphrah: That’s very true.  See you later, buddy.  

Puah and Shiphrah (walk away from the microphone saying): Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth.