Sunday, May 5, 2013

Do You Want to be Made Well?

Easter 6 2013
Father Adam Trambley
May 5, 2013, St. John’s Sharon

Do You Want to be Made Well?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus goes up to Jerusalem for a festival, as good Jews would have done.  He comes to the pool Beth-zatha, sometimes called Bethesda, which where the Bethesda hospitals get their name.  The blind, the lame and the paralyzed are all there.  According to the thinking of that time, every so often the water would be stirred up by angels, and the people who entered the water while it was agitated would be healed.

Jesus walks by a man who had obviously been lying there a long time.  Gratefully, scripture does not describe in detail the symptoms Jesus saw indicating just how long he had been in that place, but if you ask a home health nurse, I’m sure they could tell you. (You just don’t want to ask them over lunch.)  Jesus, who is fearless when it comes to human infirmities, walks up to the man and asks, “Do you want to be made well?”

Simple question.  “Yes” or “no” answer.  Not hard to figure out, since the guy has been stuck there a long time.

“Do you want to be made well?” Guess what? The invalid doesn’t say “yes.”   “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.”  Dude, you’re being asked if you want to be well and your only response is a list of reasons why you are still sick.  Jesus decides to heal him anyway, and says, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.”  Immediately the invalid is made well, he picks up his mat and walks away.  Not surprisingly, Jesus doesn’t add, “Your faith has made you well.” 

Now maybe it sounds like I’m picking on this poor invalid who was stuck just far enough away from the water for who knows how long.  And maybe I am.  But the story continues after Jesus heals him on the Sabbath.  The Jewish leadership finds him and wants to know why he is carrying his mat on the Sabbath.  He tells them it was the fault of the guy who healed him, whose name he doesn’t know.  Then he stumbles into Jesus later, and when he finds out his name, he runs off to get Jesus in trouble for healing and telling people to carry their mats on the Sabbath.  The church has some great traditions about what happens to other unnamed Biblical characters.  The child who comes to Jesus is believed to be Polycarp, an early Bishop and martyr.  The Gerasene demonic with a legion of demons is alleged to become an early evangelist and Bishop.  But I couldn’t find any traditions about this guy, a whiner who we never read says “Thank You” to Jesus or gives glory to God for his healing.

Now, obviously, this man hadn’t met Jesus before.  He hadn’t read the gospels or heard the good news. Maybe there really had been no other way.  May he was that depressed because he had in fact tried everything he could think of.  But the Great Physician asked, “Do you want to be made well?” and all you’ve got is a long list of excuses.  It reminds me of story by Theophane the Monk:

“Why not?” that was the first thing he said.  He had never seen me before.  I hadn’t said a word. “Why not?”  I knew he had me.

I brought up excuses: “My wife…the people I have to work with…not enough time…I guess it’s my temperament…”

Illustration John O'Brien
There was a sword hanging on the wall.  He took it and gave it to me.  “Here, with this sword, you can cut through any barriers.” I took it and slipped away without saying a word.

Back in my room in the guesthouse I sat down and kept looking at that sword.  I knew that what he said was true.

But the next day I returned his sword.  How can I live without my excuses?

Now this gospel and this story matter to us this morning because Jesus is also asking us, “Do you want to be made well?” and he isn’t only asking about physical healing.  He is asking us if we want to be whole and happy and blessed.  He is asking us if we want to know his love and be able to share his love with others.  He is asking us if we want to live into the mighty purpose we were made for as sons and daughters of God. 

But so often, when we are asked if we want to be made well, our only answer is a list of excuses. Sometimes, Jesus heals us anyway, just like the invalid in our gospel.  But, just like our invalid, being made well in the short term doesn’t mean we are living into the Kingdom of God for the long term if we keep dragging our excuses behind us.  We can probably name any number of folks with every bit of health, wealth and advantage or seem nothing more than whiny, spoiled, brats.  Then we also know people who may not even be able to get out of bed who radiate God’s love to everyone around them.  Do we want to become the brilliant, radiant, beloved, loving people God made us to be before the world began?  Do you want to be made well?

Yes!  We do!!  But we aren’t going to make it to the love and wholeness Jesus wants for us without cutting through our excuses.  We want to say “Yes,” and follow Jesus with nothing holding us back.

Just what are some of our excuses?

Sometimes the excuses we hide behind are a false modesty or low self-image.  The invalid in the gospel uses these excuses.  “I would be well, but nobody wants to help poor old me.”  “I just don’t move fast enough to get down to the water when I need to.”  “I’ve can’t make the people mad who want me to stay sick.” Really?  What’s the psalm say, “I thank you because I am marvelously made; your works are wonderful and I know it well”…”you yourself created my inmost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  Each of us was made for an important purpose, and if we say “Yes” to Jesus, he will open that wholeness up for us.  Our life may still seem overwhelming. Our health may still be subpar.  Our love will probably still be less than we want it to be.  Nevertheless, Jesus will bring us with him on the path to the abundant life he wants for us.

Sometimes the excuses we hide behind come from a prideful ego.  “Don’t worry, Jesus, I’m Ok as I am.”  We don’t want to take the next step in love and discipleship, since we believe we should already be walking on water.  Obviously, cutting out all the ways we falsely build ourselves up is a pretty painful process.  But hopefully we can do it.  Mature Christian friends and God’s provision of the right crises generally also help if we are serious.    The key is to just say “Yes” to Jesus, then be quiet.  He’ll tell us what to do next, probably from the people we least want to hear instruct us.   

Then, sometimes, our excuses are all our attachments that keep us distracted.  “I want to be well after dessert, or after a cup of coffee.”  “I want to be well, but only if I can keep the stuff I worked so hard for.”  “I want to be well, but only after everyone else I know is well so that I’m not uncomfortable.”  But remember what Jesus told the rich young ruler, “Sell all you have, give to the poor, and follow me.”  Do we want sugar more than wellness, caffeine more than wholeness, worldly riches more than divine purpose, or social pleasantries more than divine love.  When Jesus makes us well, we’ll have everything we need, and we will be agents of his love and healing to those around us.

Now cutting away our excuses is not easy.  Even when we can figure out what our excuses are, the process is difficult.  Our difficulty in doing so is why Jesus asks us, “Do you want to be made well?”  We can say “yes” and hand him the sword.  Giving ourselves over to Jesus to cut out our excuses is an incredibly scary act of faith.  But, oh is it worth it!  This surrender is what people talk about when they say you have to want to want it.  If we want Jesus to make us well, even if we can’t really deal with all the transformations and implications of that process, he’ll lead us on the way to Eternal Life.  If Jesus is willing and able to heal the Gospel’s invalid with all his excuses and issues, just imagine what he’ll do for us.

So answer Jesus today, simply “yes” or “no”.  Do you want to be made well?

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